
Cogenda TCAD Software

What's New | System Requirements
Installers (Standard Edition)
VisualTCAD 2024.06 - RHEL6/7
MozzTCAD 2024.06 - RHEL6/7
Vspice 2.2 - Linux all platforms
Vspice 2.0 - Linux all platforms
VisualTCAD 1.9.4-3 - Linux all platforms

Several editions are available on each platform, as summarized in the table below:

Features/Platform WinXP/Vista/7 RHEL7 RHEL6 RHEL5 Ubuntu1204 Ubuntu1404 Ubuntu1604
Standard, 32bit 1.8.2 - - - - - -
Standard, 64bit 1.8.0 2024.06 2024.06 1.9.2 1.9.2 1.9.2 1.9.2
Full, 64bit - 2.0 request request request request request
Full, Cluster 64bit - request request request - - -
  • Full: VisualParticle and several other advanced tools are only available in the full package.
  • Cluster: with Infiniband interconnect support, see supported hardware/software.

If you need to evaluate any of the "on-request" editions, Contact us for a download ticket.

User's Guides [v2024.06]

Open Source

Genius Device Simulator (GPL Source Code) Source Repository at Github
PyEDA (device/circuit simulation for teaching) Source Repository at Github
Suprem4 (binaries of the Stanford release) Source Repository at Github